Thursday, March 13, 2008


Image and video hosting by TinyPic Boulder Beer Singletrack Copper Ale

This Is a microbrew made in Colorado. Its a red ale, smooth and crisp, it has tinges of citrus, and you can taste the barley and rye. its a very enjoyable drink after a day at work. You can sip it while sitting on your back porch and zoning out. It has a nice hoppy aftertaste and leaves you going back for that 2nd sip all the way down.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Image and video hosting by TinyPic Linebacker Bock

Ok so not sure if a review of your own beer counts but here it goes. Yes I made this myself albeit with a kit from Mr Beer But nonetheless I made it. And I like it. Its a classic bock style beer. It is dark although for a dark beer it is quite light tasting. it goes down smooth and crisp, the carbonation just right. It has a light head, You notice the sweet overtones as you take a drink and then the hops make an appearance subtle yet noticeable. I would say for those who tend to not like dark beer this would be one that can be quite enjoyable.
and so I rate this one
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So I thought I would chronicle my adventures in beer and probably in pipe tobacco too as time progresses.

Went to world market the other day and bought 6 different beers

As beer comes in 6-packs for the most part I will use a 6 point system for rating.

so far I have had three of them

the first one I had is called

Image and video hosting by TinyPicCoopers Brewery Sparkling Ale
it is bottled in Australia, has a light taste, and is smooth. It is no more carbonated than any other beer I have ever had. It kinda reminded me of an american lager but with a much fuller flavor. Its a top fermented beer which means it comes out tasting more like a home-brew it even has a slight sediment on the bottom of the bottle. all in all I give it a
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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Warsteiner Premium Verum
This German ale has a very traditional taste it goes down smooth and has a very light hop flavor, seems to have a slight sweetness about it but has a very crisp finish. Germans really know how to brew beer and this one is no exception.
Its a solid
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Image and video hosting by TinyPicShipyard Export
This is a hoppy ale with a nice head on it It has an aftertaste reminiscent of Sierra Nevada Pale ale, But has a smooth finish and a very nice aroma. I really like the hops used in this beer. The experience runs the gamut with a full bouquet as you tilt it a sweet run and then a slightly bitter finish that is very smooth and clean. the hops are noticeably present but not overpowering. I am also currently drinking this one as I write. It A defiant
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