Friday, August 29, 2008

Two Strikes And a Double

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UfO Hefewiezen
Looks Like miller, for an unfiltered beer I couldn't see any cloudiness at all, taste kinda like a hefe, has a wheat smell to it.
That said its smooth but I just didn't like it
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Widmer Hefewiezen
Not bad but nothing stands out, not much of a nose to it. Orangish color and it is cloudy, hints of orange and wheat in the flavor. better than the UfO.
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Shiner Hefewiezen
Its Shiner, the Spoetzl Brewery has yet to brew a bad beer in my opinion. Shiner is a great beer. It is by no means the best of the best, not even top 10. Not the best beers I have ever had either, but definitely my favorite brand.
The Hefe is no exception, its smooth and has a nice wheat flavor with hints of citrus. Not much head on this beer, but its smooth and has a nice unfiltered cloud in the color. Smells like a hefe should, and its very refreshing.
a Solid
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senojsitruc said...

Its probably too pedestrian for you, but, a wine blog would be of much greater interest to me. Beer smells like ... well it just doesn't smell like something I would want to drink. *shivers*

senojsitruc said...

I ordered the TZ5, as per your recommendation. Plus a spare battery and a 16GB memory card. I didn't know they made them that large. Anyway, it looks like a great camera. The 10x optical zoom will be awesome.

I've got a wedding to go to in early October which'll give me a chance to try out the camera, and then its first real use will be mid-October when I go to the Grand Canyon for "the death march".

senojsitruc said...

So, have you stopped drinking beer or just stopped writing about it?

kristenly said...

he hasn't stopped drinking it. :-)

senojsitruc said...

That would definitely have concerned me a lot more [if he had stopped drinking]. Good to know. :-)